How to calculate the birth of a boy or girl based on the mother's age is something that many couples have researched and successfully applied. Therefore, when planning, many couples have researched ways to conceive so that they can give birth to a child of the desired gender. In particular, couples often prefer ways to calculate the time of intercourse and conception. So what are those calculations? If you want to know, follow the following article.
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Why do couples often look for ways to calculate the number of children they want?
Nowadays, society is more developed and civilized, so gender issues are no longer biased as before, men and women are equal to each other. At the same time, young couples today also have more open-minded thinking, so having a son or a daughter is no longer as important as before.
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However, there are many couples who want their first child to be a boy, and some want a girl. Or couples who already have a boy or a girl want the second child to be a different gender so that they can have both boys and girls. Therefore, couples have proactively sought ways to calculate the time of conception to be able to give birth to a child of the desired gender, and this is a normal and understandable need.
How to calculate the birth of a boy or girl based on the mother's age?
It can be said that many couples want to know how to calculate the birth of a boy or girl based on the mother's age mainly to help them know the gender of the child. From there, it will help parents prepare everything better from items to clothes to best suit the child when the child is born. At the same time, knowing the gender of the baby in the womb also makes couples feel happier.
Therefore, right after this we will share with you some calculation methods with quite high accuracy that have been applied and succeeded by many people.
How to calculate whether to have a boy or girl based on mother's age and month of conception
The most popular way to calculate the birth of a boy or girl is based on the mother's lunar age and the lunar month of conception. This method is also quite simple, you do not need to calculate anything, just rely on the available ancient data table below.
Based on the data on the table, we can see that the numbers from 18 to 44 in the horizontal row are the mother's lunar age. The numbers from 1 to 12 in the vertical row are the months of conception calculated according to the lunar calendar. You just need to rely on the vertical and horizontal columns to get the results displayed in the table. If the intersection between the mother's age and the month of conception is marked with the letter G, it means a girl will be born, and the letter T means a boy will be born.
For example: If the mother's lunar age is 27 years old and the lunar month of conception is March, she may give birth to a baby girl.
Fetal gender calculator based on maternal age and month of conception.
Calculation based on mother and father's age
This method of calculating the age of having a child is suitable for couples who are just planning to have a child but are not pregnant yet. Because this method will help you calculate in advance if you want to have a boy or a girl, which year you should conceive.
The calculation is quite simple, first we have to know the lunar age of both the father and mother. Then, we add the two ages of the parents together, we get the sum of the two numbers. If the total is greater than 40, we will take that total and subtract 40, if the result is still greater than 40, we continue to subtract 40. Until the result is less than 40, we will take that result and subtract 9, then subtract 8, then subtract 9, …
Keep subtracting 9 and 8 like that until we get a result smaller than 8 and 9, then stop. We take the final result and see if it is an even or odd number and see the solution below:
-The result is an even number: If you get pregnant in a year and give birth in that year, it's a boy. If you get pregnant in a year and give birth the following year, it's a girl.
-The result is an odd number: If you get pregnant in a year and give birth in the same year, it will be a girl. Conversely, if you get pregnant in a year and give birth the following year, it will be a boy.
For example: The husband's age is 31 and the wife's age is 27. We add the two ages together to get 58, take 58 – 40 = 18. Next, we take 18 – 9 = 9, take 9 – 8 = 1. The result is 1, which is an odd number, so if you get pregnant in the year and give birth in the year, it will be a girl, but if you get pregnant in the year and give birth the following year, it will be a boy.
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How to calculate the birth of a boy or girl based on the mother and father's age in a simple way.
How to calculate the birth of a boy or girl based on the mother's age and expected month of birth
In the past, people often wanted to have their first son to continue the family line, so they often calculated the age of having a son based on a poem passed down from generation to generation. The poem has the following content:
“49 was decided long ago.
Add to the month to play
Except how old my mother is
Add 19 to split
Count lunar age for exactly
Even number of boys, odd number of girls, exactly ten.
Based on the poem, we have the following equation: (49 + x – y + 19) : 2 => (68 + x – y) : 2.
In which, we have the mother's age will be X, the expected month of birth is Y. Apply the mother's age and expected month of birth to the above equation and calculate. If the result of (68 + x – y) : 2 is an even number divisible by 2, then you are pregnant with a boy. Conversely, if the result of (68 + x – y) : 2 is an odd number not divisible by 2, then you are pregnant with a girl.
For example: We have a 27-year-old mother, the expected month of birth is April, applying the equation we will get the following calculation series: (68 + 27 – 4) : 2 = 45.5, this is an odd number so it will not be divisible by 2. Based on the above result, it is highly likely that you are pregnant with a baby girl.
According to this method of calculating the mother's age and expected month, if the result is an odd number not divisible by 2, then you are pregnant with a baby girl.
Calculate whether to have a boy or a girl based on the parents' age and the eight trigrams
According to Taoist cosmology, the eight trigrams represent the basic elements of the universe. The eight trigrams are: Qian, Zhen, Kan, Gen, Kun, Xun, Li, and Dui. The four yang trigrams are Qian, Zhen, Kan, and Gen and the four yin trigrams are Kun, Xun, Li, and Dui.
Based on the yin and yang hexagrams of the Bagua and looking at the parents' ages and the month of conception. If the result is a yin hexagram, the baby will be a girl, and if the yang hexagram is a boy. In addition, with this method of looking at the Bagua hexagram, parents can flexibly choose the month of conception based on the mother's age to get a yin or yang hexagram.
According to the rules of the Bagua card, when looking at the parents' age and the month of conception, if the number is even, it will correspond to a broken line, also known as the Yin line, and if the number is odd, it will correspond to a solid line, also known as the Yang line. On each Bagua card, there will be 3 solid or broken lines, these 3 lines will correspond to the father's age, the mother's age and finally the month of conception.
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To do the calculation, we first need to see if the father's age, mother's age and month of conception are even or odd numbers. If the ratio of even numbers is higher in the 3 numbers, such as 2 even numbers and 1 odd number, it will fall into the Chan, Can, Kham hexagrams or 3 even numbers will be the Khon hexagram, these are the yang hexagrams. According to the yang hexagram results, you will conceive a boy.
If the 3 numbers have a higher odd ratio, for example 2 odd numbers and 1 even number, it will be the Ton, Doai, Ly trigrams, or all 3 are odd numbers, it will be the Can trigram. If the 4 Ton, Doai, Ly, Can trigrams are all yang trigrams, then you will conceive a baby girl.
Calculating the age of the couple and the month of conception according to the Bagua card also tells us the gender of the fetus.
What factors determine whether a baby boy or girl is born?
Although the above calculations can help you predict the gender of the fetus or help you time conception to have a baby with the desired gender. However, having a boy or a girl depends on many factors. Therefore, there are many cases where the calculation method gives very accurate results, but there are some cases where it is not accurate. So what are the factors that affect the gender of the fetus?
According to some surveys, women under 35 years old often have a higher rate of giving birth to boys than girls. Women over 35 years old have a higher rate of giving birth to girls than boys.
Ovulation day
As we know, male sperm will carry 2 types of sex chromosomes, X or Y, while female eggs will carry the X sex chromosome. If during fertilization the egg combines with the sperm carrying the X chromosome to create a pair of XX chromosomes, the baby's sex will be a girl. If the egg combines with the Y sperm, it will create an embryo with a pair of XY chromosomes, which will be a boy.
During a menstrual cycle, an egg will only be released once with one egg (it can be released more than once but it is very rare), so to fertilize an egg, the couple needs to have sex close to or on the day of ovulation. Because, when released, the egg only lives for 12 to 24 hours before it degenerates.
As for sperm, when in the environment inside the uterus, they can live up to 2-3 days for Y sperm and 3-5 days for X sperm. The characteristic of Y sperm is that they swim faster than X sperm.
Based on the above two factors, it can be seen that if you have sex before or on the day of ovulation, there is a high chance that the Y sperm will fertilize the egg and give birth to a boy. If you want a girl, couples should have sex far from the day of ovulation, then the rate will be higher.
Vaginal environment
Not only male sperm has the ability to determine the sex of the fetus, but the vaginal environment is also a very important factor in determining the flexibility of X or Y sperm. In particular, a highly alkaline vaginal environment will be a favorable environment for Y sperm, while a highly acidic vaginal environment will be more favorable for X sperm. So if you want to have a baby boy, you need to create a highly alkaline vaginal environment.
Body temperature
There is an interesting thing that researchers have discovered that a man's body temperature can also determine whether he will conceive a girl or a boy. Specifically, men who have the habit of dressing loosely and comfortably, and whose body temperature is always cool, will have a higher chance of giving birth to a boy than a girl. Meanwhile, men who dress tightly and whose body temperature is always high will have a higher chance of giving birth to a girl.
The mother's diet can also partly determine the gender of the fetus. Mothers who regularly supplement their bodies with adequate nutrients will have a higher chance of giving birth to a boy.
In addition, there is also a hypothesis that if you want to have a baby boy, parents need to have an alkaline-rich diet, for example foods such as: broccoli, bread, mushrooms, corn, butter, almonds, spinach, tofu, green beans, kale, etc.
If you want to have a baby girl, parents need to maintain a diet rich in acids such as: sweets, cereals, dairy products, meat, soda, processed foods, etc.
The article on Shopkiss has shared with you some ways to calculate whether to have a boy or a girl based on the mother's age. However, no matter which method of calculation, there is still a margin of error and it is only relative. Therefore, you should only apply these methods of calculation as a reference. The most important thing is that you should equip yourself with good health and adequate knowledge if both of you are planning to have a baby to have a healthy pregnancy.
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